Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Sex Trafficking Within The United States - 1355 Words

Between 14,500 and 17,500 victims are trafficked into the United States annually, and often, the average age of entry is thirteen to fourteen years old (Hodge, 2008). One victim recalls that her pimp, a man who controls sex workers and keeps the earnings, would take her and two other girls from the ninth grade out of school during lunchtime, have them do calls, and bring them back. She explains, â€Å"He knew how to read each girl—this one likes to party, that one needs a job, this one wants drugs.† By doing this he could coerce the girls into doing anything he wanted or needed them to (Collins, 2011). According to the Department of Justice, 300,000 children may become victims of sex trafficking each year (Bessler Greenwood, 2014). However, under federal law, anyone under 18 years of age persuaded into commercial sex is a victim of sex trafficking, regardless of whether the trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion (Coorlim Ford, 2015). Despite these statistics, the n umbers reported on trafficking are inaccurate. Deirdre Bialo-Padin, the Brooklyn D.A.’S Chief of Domestic Violence explains â€Å"They’re too low. It’s an underreported crime. Who is going to raise her hand and say, ‘Hi, I’m a trafficking victim!’† When people think of human trafficking they immediately think of things such as drugs and confinement (Collins, 2011). However, most traffickers use subtle approaches to make victims feel helpless and alone so they can eventually trick them into entering into the sexShow MoreRelatedChild Sex Trafficking And Human Trafficking1096 Words   |  5 PagesChild Sex Trafficking Have you ever walked into Wal-Mart and taken the time to look at the numerous pictures of missing youth that is plastered on the wall? When looking at how long they have been missing, it ranges anywhere from months to years. Looking at their age, both boys and girls, it’s hard not to wonder if they have been kidnapped and are being trafficked. Child sex trafficking also known as human trafficking is a major issue that is not only plaguing the United States, but alsoRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Sex Trafficking1199 Words   |  5 PagesChild Sex Trafficking Have you ever walked into Wal-Mart and taken the time to look at the numerous pictures of missing youth that is plastered on the wall? When looking at how long they have been missing, it ranges anywhere from months to years. Looking at their age, both boys and girls, it is hard not to wonder if these kids are being trafficked. Child sex trafficking, also known as human trafficking, is a major issue that is not only plaguing the United States, but the world. ResidingRead MoreSex Trafficking And The United States1672 Words   |  7 Pageshuman sex trafficking, they think of heinous acts that take place in other countries where adults, children, girls and boys are exploited to perform sexual acts in exchange for money or goods against their will. 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