Saturday, January 4, 2020

Character Analysis of Reverend Parris - 733 Words

Character Analysis of Reverend Parris If it were not because of the self-preserving and greedy nature, also the paranoia of the people in Salem, the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 would most likely not have occurred. One of those people is Reverend Parris, who is the minister of the church in The Crucible. All Reverend Parris cares about is his reputation/good name and the amount of wealth he has. He is paranoid that there is a faction of townspeople that are trying to get him thrown out of his position. Because of his need to preserve his good name he goes along with the false proceedings of the witch trials. In the end he starts to doubt the trials for the same reason. He also suppresses evidence that would have discredited the court, but†¦show more content†¦Finally, Parris is a paranoid and fearful man. He thinks that everyone is out to get him and relieve him of his position as minister. He thinks that there is a faction within his church that wishes to overthrow him and would do anything to get him removed. He knows that if this faction discovers what his niece and daughter did it could lead him to be fired from his job, as he says to ThomasShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1452 Words   |  6 PagesJunhee Chung A.P English Language August 20, 2015 Novel Analysis Assignment The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Plot and Conflict The Crucible is a story that revolves around the Salem Witch Trials. The novel takes place in Salem Massachusetts in 1692. It starts off with the local pastor, Reverend Parris, catching a group of girls, one of them his daughter and one of them being his niece, practicing witchcraft in the woods. Abigail is the leader of the group of girls, and her motive forRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible Essay1424 Words   |  6 PagesMatthew Shults A.P. 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