Wednesday, February 5, 2020

International Marketing Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Marketing Management - Assignment Example The product we are going to launch in Pakistan would not be a standard product for the rest of the countries, because it has to be in accordance with the preferences of Pakistanis. Like for example Pizza Hut is operating globally but the pizza you are going to eat in Pakistan compared with pizzas available in other countries' Pizza Hut would be much different as people in Pakistan like spicy food, even the names they have given to the types of pizzas available here are mostly in Urdu language which is the national language of Pakistan. I think that this kind of strategies would be an added advantage for the company. Our ice cream dessert would be available in a packed rectangular box, containing two packets. One will contain the powder form of ice cream dessert which needs to be dissolved in milk, according to the given directions on the box. Another packet will contain the fruit topping, to be served with the dessert. In the preparation of the dessert the temperature of the country needs to be considered. Secondly, the ingredients should be halal i.e. acceptable by the Muslim state. The name we have given to our dessert is 'Summer Delight' because almost for the eight to nine months the weather remains hot in Pakistan. The logo is 'cannot avoid the bite'. Targeting youth segmen... Targeting youth segment of Pakistan would give you an idea of a developing nation where competition and advancements are growing really fast. You might think that as this country is in its development phase, where approximately 30% people are below poverty line, then how would it be possible for the youth population to spend on the desserts The answer is simple. There are thousands of people who can afford and are interested in buying and consuming these items, at a place where there are a few competitors, where youth segment is ready for changes and easily accept and adopt foreign products (Pakistan, 2001). The young generation of Pakistan, aged between 10 - 35 years depending on situations, is a quick decision maker and they are more concerned about the fashion and trend that is going to come in the market. Basically they are ambitious kind of people and always want to be the innovators rather than followers. So if a product fulfils their demands then they are absolutely going to try it. At present for the youth market, the only constant thing is 'change'. Through various communication channels like internet, telephone, newspapers, television programs from all over the world, they are at all times in search of innovative ideas and notions. For a company to target the youth, it has to be adaptable and would be ready and effective for all sorts of integrations, only then it would be possible to catch them and then to retain them (Youth, 2007). Customer's buying behaviour: The buying behaviour of the customer varies significantly depending on the features of the product. For example if a person is interested in buying a car then he will take some time in making the decision because it is complex buying and involves high prices. Our product does not require too much

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