Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Importance of Critical Thinking in Science - 977 Words

Critical thinking is a very important concept in regards to science, especially since science and the concepts therein have been fluctuating from the time of their origins. As stated in Kirst-Ashman’s book; Critical thinking is the careful scrutiny of what is stated as true or what appears to be true and the resulting expression of an opinion or conclusion based on that scrutiny, and (2) the creative formulation of an opinion or conclusion when presented with a question, problem or issue, (Kist-Ashman, 2011, p. 33). Critical thinking allows for individual assessments of topics and can be applied to any question posed in any situation. It allows for individuals to think for themselves and evaluate situations on their own to determine†¦show more content†¦This is why the PIE theory does well to explain behavior in the way it does. One criticism of this theory (and of Holland) is the research has not being able to find a strong correlation between congruence (degree of f it between an individual’s personality type and their current or prospective work environment) and outcomes, (Spokane, Meir, Catalano, p.137, 2001). When dealing with any theory, it is important to always keep an open mind and think critically about those concepts. While any given theory may present the most relevant knowledge, it is subject to become obsolete with new discoveries over time. Critical thinking ensures professionals utilize all information garnered at that given time in order to make the best decision/ reasoning they can with the data they have; knowing and allowing for the possibility of more information being presented at a later date. PIE is good in theory and seems to be an adequate tool to classify individuals. It does have its issues, as does any other theory in the soft science realm, but the concept behind PIE in my view are solid. With critical thinking and the concept of EBP, PIE and all other scientific theories can be evaluated based on current evidence and past research. Because science and the concepts therein are fluid and constantly changing, all one can do is judge best the currentShow MoreRelatedComputer Science Is A Meaningful Life999 Words   |  4 PagesComputer science promotes a meaningful life. Computer science means the principles and use of computer. It not only limits there because computer science defines mathematics everyday life. The author argues the effect of computer science at all over our curriculum in high school. This is important because computer science compels students to create problem to solving thus engage them more into work, especially mathematics. 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